Ask Dr. Susan( Susan Kleiner, PhD, RD, FACN, CNS, FISSN, is one of the foremost nutrition authorities on eating to improve strength and gym performance. Visit her at DRSKLEINER.COM):
“Im sick of oatmeal.Are there any boxed cereals that are healthy? What should I look for?” - MELISSA,
When it comes to purchasing processed foods like boxed cereal, use basic principles as guides. First and foremost, check the amount of added sugar. This isn't hard to figure out with packaged cereals, since very little of the sugars are natural. Starch is one of the only natural carbohydrates in cereals, and occasionally fruit may account for a gram or two per serving, but no more.
The rest of the sugar has been added by the 5 manufacturer. Go for cereals with zero to five grams of sugar per serving. Zero indicates there has been no sugar added, while five grams would equal to a maximum of one teaspoon of added sugar per serving.
Remember: if there is no added sugar, there will rarely be any other unwanted processed ingredients. Common brands of cereals that meet these guidelines are readily available on store shelves. Try plain shredded wheat, puffed cereals and some Kashi brand cereals.
By Mona beenbray