0 Are You Stress Eater?

You know that feeling when you suddenly want -no, you need - a chocolate-frosted doughnut, and you’re not even hungry? While you’re probably not conscious of it, your craving for a decadent dessert or heavy meal is likely courtesy of that meeting with your boss tomorrow, or the stack of bills waiting for you at home. In short, the urge to eat - especially junk - is the result of stress.

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 “As soon as you feel stressed, the hormone cortisol is released, which causes a surge of hunger for sugary and fatty foods,” says Susan Albers, PsyD, author of Eating Mindfully (New Harbinger, 2012). “We’ve evolved to have this response to drive us to gather foods in case there is a threat to our survival.” Of course, stress isn’t the only culprit, says Albers. Other emotions - everything from fear, to joy, to boredom - can also lead to cravings.

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 “We learn through associations, so eating becomes part of our memories,” says Michelle May, MD, author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat (Am I Hungry? Publishing, 2011). “So perhaps you eat when you feel overwhelmed because you want to remember a time when things were simpler.” But there’s good news: even if you admit food is your go-to stress reliever, it’s possible to break the cycle, Albers says. “When you’ve found other ways to cope, eating to soothe your emotions doesn’t feel good anymore.”
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Take this quiz to find out if your emotions drive you to reach for that doughnut. Then, read on to learn how you can stop the cycle.

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1. Which best describes your food cravings:
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They strike often but are manageable.(7 PTS)
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You mostly crave foods you don't allow yourself to eat.(3 PTS)
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Pizza. Extra cheese. Now. (10 PTS)
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2. Which of the statements below most accurately describes your relationship with food and exercise:
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You exercise, eat clean, and have a cheat meal at least once a week. (7 PTS)
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If you eat too much, you hit the treadmill until you've burned it off! (3 PTS)
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Sometimes, you work out so you can eat certain foods.(10 PTS)
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3. When you are feeling stressed at work, you:
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Complain to a co-worker over coffee. (7 pts)
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□     for a stash of chocolate that you keep in a desk drawer, (iopts)
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□     a to-do list and keep working until it's done.3 PTS)
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4. The last few times you ate way too much were almost always:
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Around the 3 p.m. sugar slump at work. (10 PTS)
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□     you waited too long between meals and were ravenous.(7 PTS)
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□    you ate something that was off your regular meal plan. (3 PTS)

5. During stressful times, you:

Find yourself eating when you’re not even hungry. (10 PTS)

Feel better if you eat less than usual.(3 PTS)

Go for comfort foods or sometimes lose your appetite.(7 PTS)

6. When you indulge in a treat, do you find it difficult to stop eating it?

Yes! I'll have a huge piece of cake and still go back for seconds. (10 PTS)

Not really. I try to savor the piece that I take. (7 pts)

Yep. I know that’s my tendency, so I try to avoid having any at all. (3 pts)

7. When you notice you’re overeating, what do you do?

Let it go and get back on track with your next meal.(7 PTS)

Try not to eat for the rest of the day (and sometimes through the next morning).(3 PTS)

Keep eating; you already blew your diet, so the damage is done. (10 PTS)

8. Which best describes occasions when you overeat:

When no one is around and you wolf it down, (iopts)

In situations where there are lots of people and lots of food. (7 PTS)

When you’ve planned for it to happen.(3 PTS)

9. You’re celebrating a promotion at your favorite restaurant. Which of the following best describes your night:

You keep the focus on the promotion, not the food. (3 PTS)

You eat until you're stuffed. It's a celebration! (1OPTS)

You order your favorite item on the menu and share a slice of cheesecake. (7 pts)

10. Finish this sentence: After I overeat, I...

Feel bloated, tired, sluggish and regretful. (10 PTS)

Feel disappointed, but I hit the gym and get on with my day. (7 pts)

Feel really guilty-I feel like a failure.(3 PTS)

11. When you feel tired, you:

Find it more difficult to resist temptations and eat throughout the day to help

you stay awake. (1O PTS)

Eat every few hours to keep yourself energized and have an extra cup of coffee. (7 PTS)

Two words: Red. Bull. (3 PTS)

12. Which foods are most similar to those you tend to overeat:

Mac'n'cheese, French fries and ice cream. (10 pts)

Crackers, low-fat cheese and reduced-fat cookies. (3 pts)

By Lisa beenbray
Team : Yourhealth7
Source :Women fitness


Ask Dr. Susan( Susan Kleiner, PhD, RD, FACN, CNS, FISSN, is one of the foremost nutrition authorities on eating to improve strength and gym performance. Visit her at DRSKLEINER.COM):

“Im sick of oatmeal.Are there any boxed cereals that are healthy? What should I look for?” - MELISSA,


When it comes to purchasing processed foods like boxed cereal, use basic principles as guides. First and foremost, check the amount of added sugar. This isn't hard to figure out with packaged cereals, since very little of the sugars are natural. Starch is one of the only natural carbohydrates in cereals, and occasionally fruit may account for a gram or two per serving, but no more.

The rest of the sugar has been added by the 5 manufacturer. Go for cereals with zero to five grams of sugar per serving. Zero indicates there has been no sugar added, while five grams would equal to a maximum of one teaspoon of added sugar per serving.

 Remember: if there is no added sugar, there will rarely be any other unwanted processed ingredients. Common brands of cereals that meet these guidelines are readily available on store shelves. Try plain shredded wheat, puffed cereals and some Kashi brand cereals.

By Mona beenbray
Team : Yourhealth7

By Mona beenbray
Team : Yourhealth7


Want better willpower, less stress and more confidence? Match your workout
to your goals for a real life boost

So, you've vowed that 2013 is going to be the best year ever, no excuses. You've got self-help books at the ready and a long list of resolutions aimed at getting that promotion, boosting your self-esteem and strengthening your willpower. But if you really want to make sure that your life takes a turn for the better this year, just head to the gym.

Yes, working out makes you fitter and stronger but it can also teach you some valuable life skills - like determination and dealing with stress - which you can take with you when you leave the gym. Here are the workouts you need fora mind that's as strong as your body.


Yoga has long been championed as an effective way to relax, and it's up there with meditation for its ability to soothe stress. You may think it's down to the gentle, low-fi pace, but it's actually the breathing exercises that reel in your stress levels and leave you calm.

'Yoga encourages you to be mindful of your breath,' explains London-based yoga teacher Naomi Costantino (naomicostantino.com). 'It's this focus on the breath that you can takeoff the mat and use in your daily life.'

It's the controlled breathing that yoga teaches that makes a difference - it's a world away from the kind you do automatically. 'Most of us are running around in fight or flight mode,' Naomi says. 'The breath is shallow, our blood is pumping and we're strung out. A richer,

deeper breath allows your mind to settle and operate from a place where you can fully arrive and be present in life.'

Practise breathing deeply in yoga and when the going gets tough - at work, with family, or even on the bus - you'll have an instant calming tool to draw on.


We might make fun of the big, burly men in the free weights area who grunt and groan with every rep, but you know what? They've got the right idea! They're making all that noise because they're pushing their bodies to overcome mental restraints attached to lifting weights that are dauntingly heavy. The mind sparks a reaction in the nervous system to get the body to perform - so in orderto push your body, you have to push your mind, too - this is known as the mind-to-muscle connection.

'There's no doubt that weight training improves mental toughness,' says personal trainer Dave Fletcher (theodysseyway.co.uk). 'Weight training is all about the ability to maintain focus and determination, even when it gets difficult or you're faced with a load you didn't previously think you could lift. Structured routines also allow you to lift more overtime, as your nervous system and muscular systems adapt to the increased load.'

So, if you want to build your willpower and achieve goals you never thought possible, head to the weights area and start grunting! What are you waiting for?


A break-up can leave you feeling pretty rubbish, and often, the antidote is a big night out on the tiles. But if you'd rather skip the inevitable hangover with a side of break-up blues, sign up to a Zumba class.

The high-energy dance class is a party in itself, says Zumba education specialist Caroline Parsons. 'In a Zumba class you can work hard and smile and laugh at the same time because you're enjoying yourself so much,' she explains. 'It'll not only make you feel amazing as the feel-good endorphins flood your body, but it can take your mind off whatever's getting you down as you have to concentrate a little on the moves.

Once you're familiar with the routine, you start to release your inhibitions.'

So instead of wallowing at home with a bucket of ice cream, head to the gym. After a few classes you'll feel so great about your new moves - and your super-hot bod - you'll be ready to get back on the dating scene.
No tragic drunken dancing required.


Whether it's giving presentations to a tough crowd or walking home on your own at night that turns your stomach into a swarm of butterflies, boosting your confidence is the answer. Martial arts such as kickboxing, karate and judo are praised for providing people with the tools to build confidence, and not just because they teach you some super-cool, kick-ass fighting skills.

'Not only do martial arts help women to feel more confident by teaching them self-defence, but lots of the women I train often say that the achievement they feel after each class - getting through some really gruelling

sessions - is more overwhelming than any other sport,' explains muay Thai instructor Michael Wakeling (scorpionsthaiboxing.co.uk). 'This has a flow-on effect, giving you the confidence to have a go and achieve more at both the gym and the office.' Time to get your fight on!


Running is probably one of the easiest ways to get out there and exercise - and it's the perfect way to test your perseverance, too. Whether you're training for a 5K or a marathon, pushing your body to go the extra mile when you're struggling takes bags of determination.

'For the most part, running is a real pleasure and the feeling you get is reward enough,'says running coach Nina Anderson (ninaanderson.com). 'But, there will


always be times when the going gets tougher than usual, and this is when perseverance is key. It's important not to lose sight of the reasons you're pushing your body into going that extra mile - both literally and figuratively!'

Of course, the habit of pushing through the hard yards can come in handy when life deals you a crappy hand
-it's times like these that you need to remember your ultimate goals, dig deep and keep pushing on.

By Lisa beenbray
Team : Yourhealth7
 Source :Women fitness


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